ESA title
November 03, 2021

HubCAP kicked-off as a new InCubed activity

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HubCAP is a newly launched product developed by the Irish Icon Group with the support of ESA InCubed programme. This Open Source “Hands-Free Monitoring” platform for integration with existing workflows will answer the emerging needs from ELMS/CAP (environmental land management system/common agriculture policy), which represent a deep interest for the Icon Group.

HubCAP will be a highly flexible Application Platform for the agriculture and environmental sectors, based on Copernicus data and the SEN4CAP (Sentinels for Common Agriculture Policy) toolkit. It is developed by the Icon Group, a European leader in Earth imaging services and Ireland’s largest processor of imagery data.

The objective of this newly developed product is to align with a new paradigm in Land Cover and Use Determination using satellite imagery that has been enabled by the move from an artisanal process to an automated workflow-based provision of information. This will free up trained and capable technicians to provide analysis and information, rather than just simple image-based products, making the end user experience easier and more tailor-made.

The HubCAP service is conceived as three modules, each with a different starting point:

  1. IACS Module (integrated administration and control system)  – this will be the Paying Agency existing interface for CAP users, which they will customise to obtain HubCAP information
  2. EO Module – based upon results of other activities (SEN4CAP, DIAS (Data and Information Access Services))
  3. Bureau Module – based on a validated user concept and other activities (IACS)

The system is simple – because it includes a comprehensive API (Application Programming Interface) for monitoring via direct integration with existing administration systems, wide, verified, fully supported and very customer focused. It is wide thanks to an advanced dashboard for conducting bespoke ad-hoc local analyses, and it is verified since it offers and supports integrated ‘geo-photos’ and other forms of verification, where required.

Also, each classification ‘transaction’ is fully recorded and certified, showing the algorithm version and image sets used.

Elaine Doyle, Icon Group Product Manager said: “HubCAP is a robust and simple platform through which Government Agencies (especially CAP, non-CAP Paying Agencies and Environmental Agencies), and commercial users will be able to access the benefits of Sentinel data in a fully supported, legally recorded and compliant manner. We are very happy to count on ESA InCubed programme support to develop and commercialise it”.

Patrick Griffith, ESA Technical Officer, added: “The market of EO based CAP monitoring service capabilities is now really taking up pace. HubCAP comes with some innovative concepts and will lead to the enrichment and diversification of this key market for EO services.”

To know more: HubCAP Activity page, Icon Group, ESA InCubed programme

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